The merger between Crossroads Together and TuVida was confirmed in Autumn 2022. Since then, the two organisations have been able to join forces and provide care nationwide.
Crossroads Together, which is based in Congleton, provides services predominantly across the North West of England. These areas include Merseyside, Greater Manchester, Cheshire West and East and Herefordshire Combined with the services provided by TuVida, the newly merged organisation has the chance to create something that will benefit more people in more locations.
Learn more:

Adult Carer Support
Information, advice and support to help improve your physical and mental well-being.

Care In The Home
We support individuals to live as independently as possible in their own homes and out in the community.

Children’s Services
Home and community support for parent carers, children and young people with a disability.
Changing lives every day

“We were at breaking point, until we got this break, we are very grateful, thank you very much”
“Whatever my needs, whether I need to shop, attend a medical appointment, help around the house or just catch up on some sleep, I can relax knowing that my wife’s needs are met”
“As my son’s full time carer I feel confident about leaving him with the carer support worker, it is good for him to have someone else to concentrate on his needs for a few hours each week. He generally seems brighter and more alert after the support workers visit”
“My daughter has Autism, it is becoming apparent that the social skills sessions are helping to improve her communication. I am so glad we found you!”
“It’s been life changing for me, there’s nothing more I can say really, and I am sure all your clients feel like that too”